They listened to some Halloween stories, danced to some Halloween music, and had yummy donuts and homemade rootbeer.
Here the kids are dancing to the music, although they look like they are just standing there.
You can't really tell from this picture, but Zach was having some fun
What a cutie!
So I went to the spooky reading night as a parent wanting to just enjoy the night with my kids. While I was there I had to put my teacher hat on and take care of a problem child who seems to lack respect for others. He decided that it would be fun to throw a chair at another child who was there, and it smacked her on the leg and she had this lovely goose egg sticking up. I first took care of the naughty child (9 year old) taking him back to his parent explaining the problem, and then finding an ice bag for the other child. What a way to end a fun night with the kiddo's. NOT~!
Hi Carrie, I am your swap partner for the Halloween Blog or Treat. I got your message the other day, but I was away and could'nt get back to you right away. Prims are old things, you know, like Little House on the Prarie things, stuff from the old days. I just have a thing for them. This swap should be really fun, and you will be hearing from me again. Your family is just gorgeous, Blesings, Linda
You won the halloween welcome vinyl on my craft blog!!
email me with your address so LollyJane can mail it to you!!`
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